Where can I buy the products?

You can obtain the products as follows:

Therapist or naturopath

If you have any questions, you are welcome to book a consultation appointment.
We will call you back at the time you request.

Quick contact

Hotline Switzerland
+41 (0) 41 588 02 33

Hotline DE (EU)
+49 (0) 2591 253 2991

Contact person for export

(as well as French-speaking countries)

Mobile: +41 415 8800 51
E-mail: ventes@crystalswiss.com

Iraq, Nigeria
General Representative in Maziar Rahim
Mobile: +49176 701 304 83

Contact: Dr. Yad Hawre
Mobile: +964 770 801 8484

Pakistan, UK, Romania
General Representative: Ishfaq Hussain
Mobile: 0049 179 2161468


Hotline Switzerland:
+41 (0) 41 588 0233

Hotline DE and EU:
+49 (0) 2591 253 2990